Spots and smudges are not what you want on your television screen. AHS can help you get your tv screen spot free, improving your viewing pleasure.

The picture on today’s TV screens is better than it has ever been. Are you old enough to remember static and purple people? Having to constantly adjust the color and rabbit ears? If you are, then you know that the clarity today is truly amazing. You also likely know that if your TV is not brand new, the picture could possibly be even better.
Likewise, it’s no secret that electronic devices, including televisions, have a way of attracting dust. There are, however, a few guidelines for how to clean a TV screen properly. Just as important as what to clean it with is what not to put on a TV screen. Here are some things to keep in mind to safely remedy the dusty TV screen and get back to that amazing picture clarity.
First, Know Your TV Type
There are many confusing designations for the types of TVs used today: CRT, LCD, LED, OLED and Plasma. It is always a good idea to first consult your owner’s manual for cleaning instructions or go to the manufacturer’s website.
For Older CRTs…
Cathode Ray Tube TV’s have been disappearing since the early 2000s. These are the TVs that are the size of large microwaves. You may still have one. If so, the screen on one of these is all glass. And because of that, you can clean it the same way you clean your glass windows. Note that this is the only type of TV in which commercial glass cleaner is safe to use, though.
… And All the Rest
Plasma TVs also have glass screens, but they also have an anti-glare coating. This makes the cleaning instructions the same as the more sensitive LCD, LED and OLED TV screens. NEVER use glass cleaner or any commercial cleaner that contains ammonia, alcohol or any abrasives. If you do choose to use a commercial TV screen cleaner, make sure it states on the label that it doesn’t contain these harmful ingredients. In most cases, however, a clean, soft, dry cloth, like a microfiber cloth, is all you need. Even paper towels may scratch the screen.
Next, Turn it Off
Before you start cleaning, turn the TV off, or even unplug it, and let it cool down. This will reduce the risk of static shock. An additional benefit of cleaning the blank screen? The dust will be easier to see.
Now, You’re Ready to Clean
If you use a dry cloth, move it in a circular motion like waxing a car. Apply very light pressure –– remember, these screens are pressure sensitive. Make sure you don’t push it off of its perch, if it’s on a shelf or stand. And turn the cloth over as you clean, to always ensure you’re wiping new areas with an unsoiled part of the cloth.
Have stubborn fingerprints or stuck-on dirt? You may have to use a liquid. Start with distilled water, though, and just dab a little on the cloth. If necessary, you can mix a very weak solution of mild dishwashing soap and water. Never spray anything directly on the screen, as that could result in unwanted streaks on the screen. If you use a spray, spray it on the cloth.