Tag Archives: Organizing

Your Guide to an Organized Home

“Once a home is organized, it’s so much easier to clean and maintain.  Need some ideas on how to get started?  Here is a top to bottom look on how to get your whole house done in just a week.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
Clutter getting out of hand, or just feel it’s time for a deep clean? Our seven-day plans for cleaning and organizing your home, room by room, offer a flexible blueprint for bringing serenity to your space.Each plan is organized with the first few days requiring the most work, so you can get started on a weekend. This will allow you to get a jump start and finish up smaller tasks in the evenings during the week — but you can always pick and choose among tasks to better fit your needs (and your time). Jump to the room that needs the most help or start at the beginning and do them all.
As Published on HOUZZ, by Laura Gaskill

A Pantry Rescued by Lazy Susans

“Struggling with a Pantry that doesn’t really work?  Here is one simple answer that might also work for you.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
Decorchick's lazy susan pantry makeover

Decorchick used carousels to organize her pantry and increase storage capacity. All images in this post: Decorchick

Decorchick’s pantry remodel features six lazy-Susan “carousels” that transformed her food closet from frenzied to fantastic.
“They’re the best idea ever,” says Emily, aka Decorchick. “I knew the carousels would be great. They make the pantry more organized, and that’s just what I wanted.”

Emily’s “before” pantry was a riot of cereal boxes, peanut butter jars, baking goods, aluminum foil, and assorted canned goods. Items disappeared into the deep recesses of the corner cabinet, rarely to be seen again. And the pantry floor was a mess of onion sacks, cleaning tools, and supplies.


“It was a wreck,” Emily says.

Luckily, Emily’s dad, an engineer who does woodworking as a hobby, was experimenting with making lazy Susans. A pantry solution, it seems, would be a turn of fate. Actually, six turns.

Emily and Dad installed the six homemade, 20-inch diameter lazy Susans into the center of the pantry shelves. Now, stuff that had been hard to reach is always within grasp. The carousels have been loaded with pantry items for two years, and they’re still in perfect condition.

Lazy Susans

Pretty as a Pantry

Emily wanted her pantry to look as good as it operated. Here’s how she further upgraded the space:

  • Lined the walls with paintable, faux beadboard wallpaper — fantastic! ($20 for 56 square feet)
  • Touched up shelves with paint.
  • Transferred baking and dried goods into big glass canisters, mason jars, and plastic containers ($2 to $9).
  • Identified canisters with vinyl labels ($9) marked with erasable chalk pens.
  • Spruced up the way-high space under the pantry’s 9-foot ceiling with a cheery wreath she bought at a resale shop. So why not?

Now, Emily’s pantry is a joy to behold.


“I wanted to get a glass door, so I could see into the pantry,” she says. “It’s just so pretty.”

Read more: http://www.houselogic.com/blog/kitchens/organization-pantry/#ixzz3hkZMokqw
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Buying a Home in the Right Neighborhood

Small Front Yard“How do you know when you’re in a great neighborhood for you?  There are several tips that can help you know when you’ve found the right one.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team


A great neighborhood sells a home, real estate agents say. It also helps your home hold value and makes it easy to sell when you decide to move on.

With all the pressure and excitement of home shopping, how can you know if a neighborhood is truly great?

Here are 20 clues that help you determine if you have the right neighborhood.

1. It meets your specs

Make a list of what you want and don’t want in a neighborhood and shop for those qualities.

Describing his ideal neighborhood, Jay Walljasper, author of “The Great Neighborhood Book: A Do-it-Yourself Guide to Placemaking,” says he looks for “the invincible spirit of neighborliness (that’s) apparent even to a casual visitor.”

But what is ideal varies. Your ideal could be a close-knit community with trees, playgrounds and great schools. Mine might be a downtown block of clubs, shops and condos.

2. You like what you hear

Become an expert on the neighborhood that interests you. Get a feel for it by attending open houses, walking the neighborhood’s blocks, spending time in restaurants and coffee shops, and looking for community gardens.

Have a home in mind? Knock on doors and chat with neighbors on that street. Ask everyone who’ll talk with you about the crime, noise, traffic, neighborhood issues, and general pros and cons.

3. You can get a latte

Upscale chain and independent retailers are signs a neighborhood is well-established or on the way up. These businesses signal a degree of affluence. Also, they’ve typically done market research to assure themselves the neighborhood is stable and worth the investment.

4. You see home improvements

Especially in the warm months, look for activity that shows owners are keeping up or investing in their properties. Improvements like new gutters, painting, re-roofing, gardening and landscaping, replacement windows, new fences and decks tell you they have pride in their homes.

5. Neighbors are organized

Block watches and neighborhood meetings are signs of a tight community. If you find a neighborhood group, attend a meeting or two to meet people and ask questions. Subscribe to any neighborhood newsletters.

Dennis P. Rosenbaum, director of the Center for Research in Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told MSN Real Estate:

“Crime is lower where people say they feel more attached to the neighborhood, more social connectedness, more responsibility for what goes on around them and a greater willingness to intervene when they suspect criminal activity.”

6. People are out on the streets

People on sidewalks and children walking to school and playing in parks tells you they feel safe. An article at Veterans United asks:

Are there people sitting on their porches? Walking dogs? Taking their kids on a walk? If residents are willing to get out and walk around the neighborhood, that’s a good sign of its vitality and safety.

7. It passes muster after dark

Don’t think you know a place if you’ve only seen it in the middle of a weekday. Return repeatedly, at night and on weekends, to get a realistic picture.

8. Crime numbers are low

Don’t buy into a neighborhood without checking its crime statistics. City police department websites often publish them. In Chicago, for example, weekly crime statistics are reported by police district.

9. School scores are strong

Where school test scores are strong, home prices are high. Search GreatSchools.org for the schools’ scores in the neighborhood you’re considering. Ratings are based on performance on state standardized tests. (GreatSchools’ rating system is explained here.)

10. It’s walkable

Do cars dominate? Or do sidewalks and streets encourage pedestrians and bicyclists? Sidewalks wide enough for outdoor cafes, benches and strolling give a place a neighborly feel.

Put an address or ZIP code into Walkscore.com to obtain a “walkability rating” for neighborhoods or cities. Scores, ranging from zero (“car dependent”) to 100 (“walker’s paradise”), reflect the ease of life without a car.

11. Bus stops abound

Can you easily find buses? And subways? And rail lines? Homes with easy access to public transit fetch higher prices than similar homes without it, says a 2013 study commissioned by the American Public Transportation Association and the National Association of Realtors. Homes within a half mile of “high-frequency” public transit were worth 41 percent more, on average.

But don’t get too close. Locations adjacent to rail lines and bus stops lose value, Portland real estate broker Rob Levy told Bankrate.

12. It’ll work for you for five to seven years

So, a hip, edgy, gentrifying downtown district is your dream location right now? But will it work later, if you want children? Or if you change jobs? Don’t count on being able to sell and move quickly.

I remember talking during the recession with a young couple who’d bought a condo in what they hoped was an up-and-coming neighborhood. After a while, though, they grew tired of hearing gunshots at night. When she became pregnant, they felt stranded. They wanted to move but could not because their home was worth less than they had paid.

The lesson: Make sure the neighborhood suits your needs for at least five years.

13. Ownership is high

Neighborhoods with high homeownership rates are more stable. However, there are exceptions. For example, you can expect renters to outnumber buyers in expensive cities like New York and San Francisco.

Typically, renters are more mobile than homeowners. Longtime residents watch out for each other, making for a safer community.

Statistics on homeownership in neighborhoods can be hard to find, although some real estate agents may have them. You can get a sense, though, by asking agents and locals about the renter-owner balance. Also, watch for apartment complexes that dominate a neighborhood, or large numbers of “for rent” signs.

14. Homes sell quickly

Fast turnaround of homes for sale indicates a neighborhood in hot demand. A real estate agent can run “comps” (comparative home analyses) to tell you how quickly homes are selling.

Other clues to a neighborhood in demand include employers moving in with new jobs, a growing population, and a limited supply of homes for sale.

15. Homes hold value

In the housing crash, home values held up better in some neighborhoods than others. You can find historical sale prices in your county’s property tax records. Many counties put these online. (NETRonline, a title company, has links to online county property tax records.) Or ask your real estate agent for neighborhood sales trends.

If you’re considering a bargain home in a neighborhood of foreclosures, consider whether home buyers will want this neighborhood when you are ready to sell. Even if you don’t care about school quality or how many playgrounds are nearby, the next buyers of your home probably will.

16. The commute is not bad

Homes located close to major employers and in city centers are in high demand.

“The Driving Boom — a six-decade-long period of steady increases in per-capita driving in the United States — is over,” says a 2013 transportation report by the nonprofit advocacy group U.S. PIRG.

A New York Times article adds: “Younger people are less likely to drive — or even to have driver’s licenses — than past generations for whom driving was a birthright and the open road a symbol of freedom.”

17. City services are good

Is the trash picked up? Are streets paved and well-maintained? Beware of broken streetlights, cracked sidewalks, and lots of vacant homes with cracked windows and an overgrowth of weeds.

18. You see plenty of churches

You don’t have to be religious to appreciate that churches, mosques and synagogues are signs of community strength, and evidence that residents are connected and invested.

19. It’s got police and fire stations

Find the nearest fire and police stations and fire hydrants. Nearby public safety services add to a sense of neighborhood security. Also, a firehouse nearby might mean lower homeowners insurance premiums.

20. (Good) change is coming

Major economic development can change neighborhoods dramatically. According to Trulia:

“From Google and Microsoft building cloud storage data centers in Des Moines to a new light rail station going live in Denver, one large-scale employer or infrastructure development can be a very early, very strong sign that an area will see its real estate fortunes rise.”

Beautifully Styled Home Bars

“Having a Home Bar isn’t a ‘Must Have’, but it is a ‘Nice to Have’.  If you’ve ever thought about having one, just scroll through these pictures and get inspired to have a party!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

A bar definitely isn’t an essential in any home, but it’s most certainly a great addition – both aesthetically and functionally. And the great thing about it is it can be as in-your-face or unassuming as you like.

You don’t need much cash to splash either; some of the most chic bars around are made from upcycled items or repurposed Ikea furniture. Buying the alcohol to fill it will be the main expense involved.

From gorgeous gold bar carts to industrial drinks cabinets, get inspired with these genius ideas…

[Photos: Pinterest]


The Retro Drinks Cabinet
This vintage cabinet wouldn’t look out of place in Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment and will slot into almost any style of home seamlessly. It won’t take up much space, either, and fits a fair amount of booze in it.


The Tray Stand Bar
If space is limited, this is the bar for you. Perfect for positioning beside the sofa or in the corner of the kitchen when friends are over for dinner, it’s beautifully styled and gender neutral to boot.


The Beach Bar Cart
If nautical style’s your bag, this wicker bar cart is a must. We love the fact that it’s on wheels, so can be scooted to whichever room the party’s in.


The Bookcase Bar

Got an old, unused bookcase lying around? Give it a second lease of life by transforming it into a home for your glass – and alcohol – collection.


The Bachelor Bar

This stained wood bar screams style and would certainly be great for entertaining. We love how it all folds away so neatly at the end of a wild night in, too.


The Wine Barrel Bar
If you love nothing more than salvaging rustic furniture and drinking good wine, you need this bar in your life. Granted, it may be a little tricky to put together on a small budget (does anyone know where you can pick up old barrels?!) but if your pockets are a little deeper you can splurge on this one on Etsy.


The Ironing Board Bar
This proves that you literally can create a bar out of any old item in your home – and how great does it look? Perfect for slightly kooky homeowners that like to think outside the box.


The Sideboard Bar
Sideboards were all the rage in the past, but appear to have gone out of fashion now. Nonetheless, they still make the ideal bar as most boast plenty of room to house all of your boozing equipment.


The Suitcase Bar
This would make a fantastic present for a friend – or just a darn cool bar for yourself. Granted, it wouldn’t fit a whole lot of alcohol in it, but it’s great for those of you who just enjoy the odd glass of the strong stuff.


The Piano Bar
The bar of ever music lover’s dreams, this definitely has the wow factor. Of course it does mean that you can’t practice Chopsticks (or more likely the Rugrats theme tune) anymore. But you’ve got an epic bar, so who cares!


The Ultimate Bar Cart
If you’ve got space to fill, a bar cart this huge wouldn’t be overkill by any stretch. It puts every dinky bar cart to shame.


The TV Bar
Seriously, could things get any more ‘Mad Men’? We’ll take a dry Martini, please.


The Foldaway Bar
Wall-mountable, this bar would squeeze into even the smallest of houses. The definition of ‘neat’.


The Oh-So-Chic Cocktail Trolley
Every girl’s gold-coated dream, the styling on this cockatil cart is what makes it. From the gold-topped cocktail shaker to the two-tone straws, it screams “YOU WANT ME”. And we do. We really do.


The Bar Trolley

You’ll probably recognise this Ikea three-tier caddy. But forget about using it as bathroom storage or as a bedside table, it makes an epic bar.


The Basket Bar
There’s something so chic and oh-so-Anthropologie about this wire basket bar. Love. It.


The Minimalist Bar
If your house is pretty simple and you’re after a bar that slots right in without shouting it’s arrived, go for a classic style like this. It’s unfussy – but still stylish.


The All-Out Bar
Party animals, say hello to your new must-have furniture buy. Complete with in-built lights, bar stools and oodles of space for every type of mixer and spirit you can imagine, it’s definitely waiting for the party to start.


The Rustic Drinks Cabinet
This would look perfect in a French farmhouse style dining room – it’s definitely got that rustic appeal.


The Industrial Bar
Industrial furniture’s all the rage – hence why it’s used in so many restaurants and bars. And this metal drinks cabinet shows that it doesn’t have to look out of place in a home filled with soft colours and furnishings.


The Repurposed Door Bar
It used to be a door, and now it’s a bar. So simple, yet so effective.

Originally Published on Tumbler by Alison Coldridge

How to Set a Table

“Part of decorating your home and creating an inviting environment can and should include your dining table.  Take advantage of that ‘canvas’ and let your creativity flow.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
“Set the Table.” How many times have you heard or said that? “Dinner is ready. It’s time to eat, so set the table.” Phrases like that are said every night in my house. And if you’re anything like us, “set the table” usually means plopping down the mats, napkins, knives and forks so we can chow down. What’s more, half the time “the table” refers to the coffee table, and the only bingeing in our house is the binge watching of our fave flicks — a nightly tradition that breaks all the rules in every Miss Manners book.
Originally published on HOUZZ, by Stacy Briscoe

Guest Rooms that Work

“Guest Rooms are nice to have, but have you thought about how often it will be used, or who will be using it?  Here are several interesting ideas to consider.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
The guest room can be one of the most underused spaces in the house. It’s wonderful to have one when you need it, but when guests are nowhere in sight, it can feel like wasted space or a drop zone for odds and ends. Here’s how to make the most of the guest room, from beds and layout to storage and more.

Hardworking space:
The guest room.
The challenge: Guest rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and there are just as many options for guest beds. Whether you frequently host groups of family and friends, or rarely have overnight guests, these tips will help you choose the right bed and layout for your space.
Good to know: Sometimes rethinking your space will help you discover new solutions — like subdividing a guest room into two smaller spaces.

Mudrooms That Really Cleanup

“Mudrooms are a great first stop when you enter the home.  You can unload a little before you head on in.  However, have you really given them the thought you could?”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
When we asked people to share their best mudrooms, we were surprised by the outpouring of love for a room whose most important function is storing and organizing boots, coats, gloves — basically, the things we shed as soon as we enter the house. Readers and design pros offered their ideas for making the room work harder by configuring it to suit everything from pets to gift wrapping.
Originally published in HOUZZ, by Mary Jo Bowling, HOUZZ Editor

Bring a Beach Vacation into your Home

“Are you missing the beach, now that you just got back?  Not able to get to the beach as often as you’d like?  Here are some ideas to bring that ‘Beach Feeling’ into your home.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
The days are already getting shorter. Do you know where your beach vacation went? Whether your shore time is already over or it’s just not going to happen this year, missing it in the summer can be a bummer. A little beach house flair for your home may help ease the longing, if only a little. I hope you can adapt one or more of these ideas to make summer around your house feel more like vacation.
Originally published on HOUZZm by Becky Harris

Kitchen Designs that Work for Everyone

“Well designed and good looking Kitchens are one of the most important things that buyers are always looking for.  Knowing what will work for ‘everyone’ when designing your new Kitchen can help you when you eventually sell it in the future.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Call it what you will—accessible design, aging in place, design for all—creating a kitchen that works for all ages and abilities is a good idea that adds value to your home. Kitchen designers say requests for kitchen improvements that aid independent living are increasing as the remodeling market bounces back. “You may not think you need it now, but if you’re already remodeling, do it now while you have the money,” says Paula Kennedy, a certified kitchen planner from Seattle. Here are some tips from Kennedy and other pros.


Start with storage that’s within easy reach. “The  sweet spot for everything is between 15 and 48 inches,” says Kennedy. Add slide-out units and turntables to lower cabinets and glass doors to upper cabinets so you can see what’s inside. Open shelving and easy-glide drawers are other good choices and D-shaped pulls are easier to handle than knobs.


Work spaces

Counters of different heights work for adults chopping veggies as well as for children baking cookies and cooks who prefer sitting while prepping. Consider an island with different levels—one at the typical 36 inches and another at 30. A built-in desk can double as a work surface.


Sinks and faucets

Hands-free faucets are becoming more popular and lever-style handles are easier to nudge than knobs. Add a pull-out spray for cleaning the sink and filling large cooking pots. And a shallow sink of 6 inches or so won’t swallow your dirty dishes.


Lights and outlets

For task lighting, strips of LED lights are easier on the eyes than a series of spot lights, says Kennedy. Make sure all work areas are well-lit and replace lightbulbs in hard-to-reach fixtures with long-lasting LEDs. Rocker light switches are a cinch to flip. Raise outlets off the floor from 12 inches to 18 and lower light switches from 48 inches to 42. Adding extra outlets under the edge of the counter eliminates reaching over it.



As with any kitchen remodel, make sure you have ample floor space. A work aisle should be at least 42 inches wide for one cook and 48 inches for more than one. Select a non-skid floor that’s easy to clean. Choose a floor color that contrasts with your cabinets so the edge is easier to see.



Normal doorways are 32 inches wide but opt for at least 36 inches, which will accommodate a stroller, a wheelchair, and your new refrigerator. Threshold-free doorways won’t trip you up and lever handles are easier to swing open.


Plenty of today’s appliances have bright digital displays, making it easier to see time and temperature. Also consider these features:
Refrigerator. There’s no perfect configuration. Side-by-sides put most food at eye level and have a more shallow door swing. The freezer drawer of a French-door model may be too heavy for some people to open. Look for continuous door handles.
Dishwasher. Raising a dishwasher can make it easier to load but that’s an impractical solution for most kitchens because it disrupts the line of the countertop. Dishwasher drawers are another option.

Microwave. Instead of an out-of-reach, over-the-range microwave, opt for a countertop model or one built into a lower cabinet.
Ranges, cooktops, and wall ovens. Induction cooktops and ranges stay cool to the touch. No matter what type you have, make sure the controls are on the front to avoid reaching over hot pots and burners. Some of the latest wall ovens are being designed with doors that swing to the side instead of down, making it easier to take things in and out.

Cookware and utensils

Hand strength can be an issue for both young and old. Oxo Good Grips has built a reputation on its easy-to-manipulate kitchen gadgets and there are plenty of other ergonomic tools on the market. Invest in an electric can opener and lightweight cookware with two handles instead of one. In a pinch, an adjustable wrench can be used to open stubborn jars and pop champagne corks.

Other ways to update

For more ideas and to find help from a pro, check the websites of the National Association of Home Builders, the National Kitchen & Bath Association and the National Aging in Place Council.

–Mary H.J. Farrell (@mhjfarrell on Twitter)

Kitchen Remodeling Guide

Find everything you need to know about remodeling your kitchen including the best appliances and materials from Consumer Reports tests in the Kitchen Remodeling Guide.

Published on Yahoo! Homes

8 Great Hardware Items under $10

shopping at Lowes

“Everyone goes to either Lowe’s or Home Depot at some point during the year.  But did you know of these great items for under $10?!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

You might think that big-box home improvement stores like The Home Depot and Lowe’s are just for plumbing parts and plywood, but a wander down the aisles proves that these stores are a treasure trove of cheap, clever, and useful products. And we’re not just talking tools and hardware!

We checked in with some handypersons on their fave go-to buys, and asked insiders at both Home Depot and Lowe’s, to get the lowdown on the best buys at these stores. Best of all, with most of our picks under $10, they won’t break the bank!


Credit: The Home Depot

Homer’s All-Purpose Bucket and Accessories

“You see those orange Home Depot buckets everywhere,” says Don Mandeville, a district manager for Home Depot. “They’re only $2.97 and it’s amazing how this bucket has evolved.” The Husky Bucket Jockey ($8.78) is a water-resistant insert that fits into the 5-gallon buckets, turning it into a 30-pocket organizer. “You’ll see handymen using this, or gardeners for the yard,” says Mandeville. And the Storage Seat Organizer ($7.97) fits onto the top of the bucket, has adjustable compartments for small hardware like nails and screws, and transforms the bucket into a seat.


Credit: Lowe’s

Allen + Roth Lantern

“Among my go-to items is the allen + roth Lantern,” says Suzanne Opalinski, an Orlando, Fl.-based project specialist at Lowe’s. “Not only are they decorative, but if you happen to lose power, lanterns certainly come in handy.” The clear glass lantern ($9.98) holds a standard votive and has a handle for hanging or carrying.

Contractor’s Paper

Rolls of this brown paper ($8.96 and up at Lowe’s) is used by contractors for covering floors before painting or doing construction projects, but it has myriad uses around the house. Use it as a table covering for an outdoor party or tape a length to a wall or the floors and set the kids loose with some crayons. It can even serve as wrapping paper, either plain or decorated with stamps or markers. And in the garden, a layer of it under mulch will help with weed control.


Credit: Lowe’s

Empty Paint Cans

Did you know that you can buy empty, unlabeled paint cans? At Lowe’s, they’re only $2.68 apiece for the 1-quart sizes. Opalinski loves to use them as storage containers, lanterns, and planters, as well as to mix paint colors at home. They’d be a cute package for a gift, too!

Folding Utility Knife

The Husky Medium Folding Utility Knife comes with five replaceable blades. It’s a favorite with Ed Padilla, founder and director of theAssociation of Certified Handyman Professionals. At only $3 apiece, you can buy a bunch of them to keep in various places, such as with camping gear, your tool box, in the kitchen junk drawer, and in the car.

Loctite Power Grab Adhesive

Padilla also always stocks up on tubes of Power Grab Heavy Duty Adhesive ($4.97). For crafters or project-happy moms, it’s a more effective alternative to craft glue, since it adheres quickly to a variety of surfaces, but is repositionable for up to 15 minutes, and it dries with a clear finish. Best of all, it has a low odor so air quality won’t be affected.


Credit: Home Depot

Husky 14-in-1 Tool

Multitaskers will love the numerous uses for the Husky 14-in-one tool ($5.97). “You can do everything with this!” says Mandeville. “It’s a great thing to put in your toolbox. We sell hundreds of these because they’re so versatile.”

Likwid Concepts Paintbrush and Paint Roller Covers

Anyone who’s ever painted a room knows the frustration of trying to keep a paintbrush from drying out when you get interrupted or have to stop for the day. The Paint Roller Cover and Paint Brush Cover($3.88) are an airtight enclosure for wet brushes or rollers, keeping the paint ready for the next stroke up to 30 days. “Our buyers and merchants are always looking for new technology that’s out there,” says Mandeville. “These items are from [TV show] Shark Tank.”

Originally Published on Yahoo Makers, by Jessica Harlan