Tag Archives: Realtor

Steps to Clean Your Washing Machine

“It’s something that most of us don’t think about…keeping your Washing Machine clean.  It doesn’t take a ton of effort and the steps you take will ensure you don’t have a mildew problem in the future.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Originally published by American Home Shield

Taking the time to clean your washer and dryer can help make your machines more efficient and even prevent scary fires. See what you can do to keep this essential appliance mildew and danger free.

Someone Cleaning Font-Loading Washing Machine

The inside of your washing machine has to be one of the cleanest spots in your home, right? All that soapy hot water swishing around and rinsed again and again. Probably a good place to keep leftovers (we kid, we kid). But wait? What’s the perfect environment for the growth of mold and mildew? One that’s dark, warm and moist. Uh-oh — that’s the washing machine.

Have you noticed that your washing machine smells? Do your clothes smell after being washed? It looks like it’s a good time to learn how to clean a washing machine.

Yep, It’s a Dirty Washing Machine

First things first: How did your washing machine get dirty? Well, today’s washing machines are made to conserve water. If you are used to dumping in a lot of detergent out of habit (or from thinking that your clothes will get cleaner with more soap), you’re likely using too much. With the reduced amount of water, the detergent may not be breaking down fully, leaving a coat of soap on the tub and possibly damaging your machine. Likewise, if you have a tendency to leave wet clothes in the washer, it’s a real possibility that you’ve welcomed some mold and mildew growth.

You should always follow the washer manufacturer’s instructions on the type and amount of detergent to use. Newer, high-efficiency washers use special detergent made for those machines. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to use washing machine cleaner tablets every month to help dissolve the soap residue, too. And since mold and mildew are always ready to take advantage of dark, warm, moist environments, you should be ready to move wet clothes from the washer and into the dryer as soon as the wash cycle is complete. Similarly, damp wash cloths, towels and dishtowels should always be hung up to dry before being placed in a clothes hamper. The same goes for wet clothes.

What You’ll Need to Get it Clean

Fortunately, getting that washing machine sparkling only requires these materials:

  • Vinegar
  • Baking Soda (front-loader only)
  • Bleach (top-loader only)
  • Sponge
  • Clean Cloth

How to Clean a Front-Loader

If you have a front-loader washing machine, cleaning is not very difficult.

1.     Set the washer to the hottest, longest setting.

2.     Add two cups of vinegar.

3.     Add one-quarter cup of baking soda.

4.     Start the wash cycle and let it run until it’s complete.

5.     When complete, wipe down the inside and outside surfaces with a damp sponge.

6.     Dry all the surfaces with a clean, dry cloth.

7.     Repeat these steps monthly.

How to Clean a Top-Loader

Cleaning a top-loader washing machine is a little more involved than cleaning a front-loader.

1.     Set the washer to the hottest, longest setting.

2.     Add four cups of bleach.

3.     Let the washer fill completely, then stop it and let it soak for a full hour.

4.     Turn it back on after an hour, and let it complete the full wash cycle.

5.     Now start it again, on the hottest, longest setting.

6.     Add four cups of vinegar.

7.     Let the washer fill completely, then stop it and let it soak for an hour.

8.     At the end of an hour, take a sponge and dip it in the vinegar water from the tub.

9.     Use the sponge to clean all the exposed surfaces, including the detergent or softener basket and the lip of the tub.

10.  Now start it again, and let it run through the complete wash cycle.

11.  When complete, dry the interior with a clean, dry cloth.

12.  Repeat these steps monthly.

Patio Shade Ideas Under $300

“Most of us are looking for ways to extend our living space to outside.  Creating an inexpensive shaded area is an easy way to to that.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team


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How Long Do HVAC Systems Last?

“This is a common question for us, and it’s not always a simple answer.  Take a read and learn how to help make your last longer with just a little maintenance.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Buying a home with a mature AC unit? Learn how long most HVAC systems tend to last and how you can maintain it better.

Hvac unit outside home

Chronological age isn’t the only factor to consider when it comes to determining how long your HVAC system should last. Your furnace should last longer than your air conditioner, but you can extend the life of your entire HVAC system with regular maintenance and timely repairs.

Your System’s Lifespan

The average lifespan of a furnace today is about 15 to 20 years. A heat pump should last about 16 years, and an AC unit should last 10 to 20 years.

Regular HVAC maintenance can help you identify potential problems before they become serious enough to shorten the life of your system. You can do some maintenance tasks, such as changing your HVAC filter, yourself. If you have pets, or if someone in your home has allergies, change it every month. Otherwise, change it every three to six months.

Other tasks, such as a yearly furnace and AC tune-up, are best left to the professionals. An HVAC contractor can clean the condenser and evaporator coils on your AC unit and examine it for signs of damage. If your AC needs repair, it’s best to figure that out before it fails completely. If you have a home warranty with American Home Shieldâ, you can relax knowing our contractor network can help with your AC maintenance.

Routine AC maintenance should take place early in the spring, so your unit will work properly from the very first day you turn it on and so you can avoid breakdowns during the summer, when you depend on your AC to keep you comfortable. The same goes for maintaining your furnace. Schedule an HVAC tune-up for your furnace before cold weather sets in, so you can avoid breakdowns that will leave you in the cold.

Upgrading to a New System

If your AC unit is more than 15 years old or if your furnace is more than 20 years old, it may be time to upgrade to a new system, especially if something breaks. When you figure in the cost of labor, some repairs, like replacing a condenser or evaporator coil in your air conditioner, can be just as costly or even more expensive than replacing the unit entirely.

Homeowners in some areas face the prospect of upgrading a legacy HVAC system to a more modern one. For example, you may have a coal or oil furnace that was installed 50 years ago and should have been replaced 20 years ago. Replacing this system will do more than save you from coping with an unexpected breakdown. It may also significantly lower your heating costs, especially for systems that rely on fuels that are now very expensive, like heating oil.

Likewise, you may want to replace your heat pump or evaporative cooler with a new AC unit, which will last about as long, perhaps even a little longer, than your old system. It will also function more efficiently, saving you money. The sooner you replace your legacy system, the sooner you can begin reaping the benefits of lower energy bills.

Top of HVAC system

Factors that Affect Your AC System’s Life

There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of your system. These days, the climatic conditions most units must deal with have changed from 20 or 30 years ago. The weather is getting warmer, but that’s not the only issue. Off-gassing – the release of airborne particulates from common household products – often occurs with chemicals in newly constructed or newly renovated homes and cleaning supplies, all of which can affect your unit’s lifespan.

The chemicals used in the manufacture of building components today can cause the copper condenser coils inside of indoor AC units to corrode more quickly. Modern building methods also mean that houses aren’t as drafty as they once were, so there’s less air flow through your home. While that’s great news for your energy bill, it also means that chemicals from cleaning products and new building components can remain in your home longer. For these reasons, outdoor air conditioning units tend to last longer than indoor units.

Of course, another big factor that affects the life of your HVAC is how you use it. In many parts of the country, homeowners only use their air conditioning for a few months out of the year. An AC unit in Pennsylvania, for example, that only gets used for four or five months of the year will last longer than one in Arizona that gets used 24 hours a day all year long. That second air conditioner simply experiences more wear and tear in a shorter period of time because it’s used more.

How to Create a Mini Outdoor Retreat

“Even if you don’t have a Deck or patio, you can still create a little outdoor retreat for yourself so you can get away from time to time.” 

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Why Do I Have Standing Water in my Yard?

“This is a problem that we all dread, but it can be taken care of.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Originally Published by American Home Shield

Standing water can be caused by many things: soil that doesn’t absorb water, grading issues, etc. Try these drainage solutions to keep your yard above water.

Water in the yard

Keeping your lawn green and pristine is a matter of pride. So it can be upsetting to find a growing puddle of standing water in your yard. Not only is stagnant water unsightly, but it can also kill your grass, damage ornamental plants, compromise your home’s foundation, become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and be symptom of larger problems.

What causes water to accumulate on your lawn? What are the best methods of eliminating standing water? Here’s what homeowners need to know.

Causes of Standing Water

When stagnant water forms on your property, it can be a sign of either easily correctable habits or more fundamental design flaws.

Be careful of overwatering your lawn. If your home is equipped with an automatic sprinkler or irrigation system, you may need to make certain adjustments to address a problem with standing water. Try watering your lawn less frequently and/or for shorter periods of time.

If altering your gardening and maintenance habits doesn’t correct the issue, further investigation may be necessary. The following are common culprits in cases of standing water.

Grading. Lawns should be graded (or leveled) to ensure proper drainage. The slope should trend away from the house and direct run-off down towards the street, alleyway or storm sewer. If your landscaping doesn’t take the proper angle, water may collect on your lawn faster that it can drain. Improper drainage can also cause natural low spots in your yard to accumulate more and more water with each rainfall.

ThatchProper drainage also depends on your lawn’s permeability. A permeable lawn allows water to seep into the earth instead of collecting on the surface. If grass clippings or leaf litter clog on your lawn, they can prevent the soil from absorbing water as it would under normal conditions.

SoilsHard, compact soils and heavy, sticky clay soils are also less absorbent and prevent surface water from seeping into the ground.

Hard subsoil. Hardpan is a thick layer of impervious subsoil. Hardpan can be naturally occurring, or it can be the result of construction equipment densely compacting yards and lawns which are then topped with a layer of topsoil, disguising the issue. Once water percolates down to the hardpan, it has nowhere else to go and begins pooling.

High water table. As rain seeps into the earth, it becomes groundwater. This groundwater forms a water table, a completely saturated level of subsurface soil and rock. In some instances, however, the water table can rise very close to the surface, creating waterlogged conditions.

Ways To Get Rid of Standing Water

Fortunately, you don’t have to live with standing water. Depending on the ultimate cause of your standing water problem, you can take immediate action to boost your lawn’s ability to shed water.

Re-grade. Consult with a professional landscaper on re-grading the terrain around your home. Be sure to request that the landscaper provide a survey of your lawn’s low-lying points, natural channels and drainage outlets.

De-thatch. You can remove heavy thatch using a dethatcher, vertical mower, or even a simple lawn rake. Once you’ve removed the plant debris, pierce the turf with a garden fork or a lawn aerator. The small holes you make should be at least 4 inches deep and spaced 2 inches apart. Aerated soil is not only soil that drains properly — it’s also healthier soil.

Break it up. In order to make your lawn more amenable to water absorption, work organic matter into your soil. Garden compost, leaf mold and manure will all open the soil up and create more minute channels through which water can escape.

DigFor hardpan problems, a shovel may be the best solution. If the hardpan is less than 2 feet thick, wait for a dry spell and then dig up as much as you can. If you can’t break up the hardpan yourself, consult with a professional contractor who specializes in drilling through densely packed subsoil.

Make accommodations. A high water table is a much more difficult issue to address. Instead, it’s a fact of life that you will likely have to work around. However, you can still improve drainage by increasing the depth of your lawn borders. You can also add layers of soil to create raised beds. Finally, you can landscape using more shallow-rooted plants capable of surviving wet conditions.

Install a French drain. A French drain (also known as a curtain drain) is actually a comprehensive drainage system made from rather simple materials. A graded trench directs the flow of water away from the home. The trench is then filled in with gravel, which lets gravity do the work of channeling the water into a perforated pipe that sits at the trench’s base.

Don’t let standing water keep you and your family from enjoying the outdoor areas around your home. By identifying the cause of your drainage problem and relying on good common sense, you can ensure that gray clouds don’t linger even after the storms have passed.

5 Deck Makeover Projects That Cost Less Than a Fancy Dinner Out

“It’s that time of the year when we want to get outside as much as we can to take advantage of the nice weather.  Here are some ideas to make your deck just a little nicer!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.


The Right Height for Everything in Your Bathroom

“Have you got an older home where things in the bathroom are just not the right height?  Well, here’s how to figure out what’s right for you.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

The Refrigerator Temperature Your Fridge Is Set To Is Probably Wrong

“Never really thought about this until we saw the article.  An interesting read.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Keeping foods chilled properly, at the right refrigerator temperature, helps them last longer and stay fresher. Sticking to the ideal refrigerator temperature can help you avoid potential foodborne illnesses, too.

By Kimberly Holland 

February 26, 2019

The refrigerator is a miracle of modern food preservation. At the right refrigerator temperature, the appliance can keep foods cold and safe to eat for days, even weeks, by slowing the growth of bacteria. After all, in the world of the cold storage, bacteria are your archnemeses, and a clean refrigerator is a happy and healthy one.

When food temps begin to climb above a certain point (about 40°F), bacteria start to multiple exponentially. Not every one of those bacteria is bad—but not every one is good, either. For both the quality of your food and to reduce the risk of food poisoning, you’d be wise to keep your fridge cooled to the recommended refrigerator temperature and follow good refrigerator maintenance guidelines.

What temperature should a refrigerator be?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)this link opens in a new tab says the recommended refrigerator temperature is below 40°F; the ideal freezer temp is below 0°F.

However, the ideal refrigerator temperature is actually lower: Aim to stay between 35° and 38°F (or 1.7 to 3.3°C). This temperature range is as close as you can get to freezing without being so cold your food will freeze. It’s also as close as the refrigerator temperature should get to the 40°F threshold, at which point bacteria begin multiplying rapidly.

RELATED: How Does a Refrigerator Work?

Temperatures above the 35° to 38°F zone may be too high. Your food may spoil quickly, and you could set yourself up for some tummy troubles with bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli.

How do you measure a fridge’s temperature?

You can purchase an inexpensive freestanding appliance thermometer online or at any home store. Place the thermometer in your fridge and leave it for 20 minutes. Then, check the reading. Are you close to the ideal refrigerator temperature, or even the recommended one? If not, turn to your fridge’s temperature control panel.

Unfortunately, not all fridge temp gauges are accurate. You may have your fridge set to 37°F, but it’s actually keeping temps around 33°F or even 41°F. It’s not uncommon for refrigerators to be a few degrees off the mark you set.

What’s more, some refrigerators don’t display temps at all. They let you adjust the fridge and freezer temps on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the warmest option. Without a thermometer, you can’t know what those milestones translate to in real degrees.

Once you have your thermometer and a reading, you can adjust the fridge temperature accordingly to keep the temps in the safe zone between 35° and 38°F. You can do the same in your freezer, aiming to get the temp as close to 0°F as possible.

Tips to keep your fridge cool

If you find your refrigerator temperature is flirting with the 40°F mark despite your adjusted temperature settings, you can take a few steps to help your fridge maintain the ideal temperature.

Let food cool before putting it in the fridge. Hot bowls of leftover soup or roast chicken can heat up the small space in your fridge quickly, putting the foods at jeopardy of rapid bacterial growth. To protect everything in your fridge, let foods cool for a bit (but not to room temperature—that will take too long) before covering and storing in the fridge.

Check the door seals. Gaskets around the edge of a refrigerator door keep the cold temps in and the warmer temps out. If there’s a leak in one of those gaskets, your cold air may be escaping. That can make cooling the fridge properly more difficult (and use up more electricity, boosting your monthly electric bill).

Stop opening the door so much. Every time you open the refrigerator door, you let the cold air out and the warm air in. Resist the temptation to stand at your fridge when you’re hungry, searching for a food that will cure your cravings. Instead, get what you came for, and shut the door quickly.

Keep the fridge full. A full fridge is a happy fridge. The same is true for your freezer. The refrigerator temperature can stay cooler longer and keep foods cooled best if the shelves and drawers are mostly full. Just be sure you don’t overcrowd the space and cut down on air flow. That can make moving cooled air difficult and increase the risk of warm pockets of air. (A little refrigerator organization can help with that, too.)


What is a Home Equity Loan?

“As Spring approaches you might be looking into a larger home project, that could cost several thousands of dollars.  A Home Equity Loan might be a good answer for how to pay for it.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Here’s What You Need to Know about Home Equity Loans

A home equity loan allows homeowners to borrow against the equity they have in their home, or the difference between what they owe on their home and what their home is worth.

Home equity documents

So, you need some money – and a lot of it. Maybe you have medical bills to pay, or college tuition bills for your children. Maybe you need to update, renovate or make repairs to your home. Whatever the reason, you’ve been wondering whether a home equity loan is right for you. Such a loan could let you borrow a large amount of money, and because it would be secured by your home, it’d be easier to get than a personal loan.

But, before you call your mortgage broker, you need to know the ins and outs of these financial products. What are home equity loans, and how do they work? What are the pros, cons and alternatives? And what are the best ways to protect yourself and your family when you take out a home equity loan? Read on to learn the answers to these questions, and more.

What is a Home Equity Loan?

A home equity loan is basically a type of mortgage. Like the mortgage you took out when you purchased your home, a home equity loan is secured by the home itself.

Homeowners can and do use home equity loans to fund repairs, updates, renovations and improvements to the home. If you use a home equity loan to fund certain home improvements, you may be able to deduct the interest from your taxes. However, once you have the money, you can do whatever you want with it – pay for your kids’ college, start a business, or buy a second property, for example.

How Do Home Equity Loans Work?

A home equity loan usually allows you to borrow between 80 to 85 percent of the difference between what you owe on your home and what it’s worth. For example, if your home is worth $300,000, and you owe $100,000, you should be able to borrow up to 80 to 85 percent of the difference – or about $160,000 to $170,000.

However, a home equity loan is a second mortgage, and it’s structured just like a purchase mortgage. You’ll have to put in an application and your lender will assess your ability to repay the loan. You’ll pay closing costs, and your home will secure the loan. You’ll make monthly payments over a fixed number of years, but your interest rate should be fixed for the life of the loan. Home equity loans are amortized, which means that each payment will reduce both some of the interest and some of the principal of the loan.

Pros and Cons of Home Equity Loans

Home equity loan benefits

Like any other loan product, home equity loans have their pros and cons. It’s generally pretty easy to get a home equity loan, because they’re secured by your home. Interest rates are typically much, much lower than they are for credit cards, personal lines of credit and personal loans, and if you’re currently paying a low mortgage rate, you don’t have to jeopardize that with a cash-out refinance. Payments are the same every month, so they’re easy to fit into your budget, and closing a home equity loan is faster than a cash-out refinance.

However, home equity loans can be inflexible – you have to take a lump sum of money at once, which can be inconvenient if you need to use the cash incrementally, such as for college tuition payments or a renovation project. You’ll pay interest on the money even if you’re not currently using it. Home equity loans can also represent significant debt, and they come with closing costs and fees. Of course, because your home secures the loan, you could lose your house if you don’t pay it back.

Alternatives to Home Equity Loans

As an alternative to traditional home equity loans, many banks now offer home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs. Instead of receiving a lump sum in a specific amount, you can get approved for a maximum amount of available credit, and just borrow what you need against that amount. A HELOC offers more flexibility if you need to spend the money incrementally, or if you otherwise need to borrow multiple times. That way, you only pay interest on the money you actually spend. You may even be able to make smaller monthly payments in the beginning.

Cash-out refinances are another option for homeowners who find that their home is worth much more than they owe. This involves taking out a mortgage for more than you owe and pocketing the difference. It’s a good idea if you need a large sum of money for renovations, home improvements, college tuition, or other expenses, and it can be especially beneficial if you’re able to secure a lower mortgage rate.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family When Taking a Home Equity Loan

A home equity loan can be a wonderful tool, but a wise homeowner uses caution when wielding it. Just as with a mortgage, you should shop around for the best rates before choosing a lender.

Before you take out a home equity loan, make sure you understand the terms. Don’t borrow more than you can pay back, and don’t sign up for high monthly payments that are unsustainable. If you choose a HELOC instead of a home equity loan, be careful; some HELOCs require the borrower to borrow a minimum amount, whether they need it or not. Of course, you could still make such an arrangement work for you, as long as you have the discipline to pay back the difference between what you need and the minimum loan amount.

Most importantly, don’t treat your house like an ATM. It can be tempting, especially with a HELOC, to just keep borrowing money. Your home should be a means of building wealth, and continually borrowing against your home equity undermines that. Use your home equity in ways that can help you grow or protect yours and your family’s wealth (such as by funding improvements, renovations, repairs, or the purchase of more property) or your potential to create wealth (such as by funding higher education, or starting a business).

If you’re a homeowner, you could be sitting on a source of cash to cover major expenses in the form of your home’s equity. But, while home equity can be a great resource, it’s vital to know exactly what you’re getting into with a home equity loan, so that you don’t end up regretting a second mortgage.